So the current situation is that I got fucking TROLLED
I have something actually serious to say after I explain this but I need to go through what just happened first before anything, its somewhat context
Though feel free to skip this section if you want know the important stuff
"What just happened"
I checked Youtube and had a comment from what I believed to be @Ari7 saying they didn't want to make the game anymore. My first reaction was "who quits through a youtube comment and not the team workplace" but digressed and started adjusting to that, even removing Ari from our team group chat
Cut to about 20 minutes later and I get a DM from
@DillyWolf saying the following:

So I checked the account she sent and removed the extra "i" from the link at the top. Low and behold, it's the ACTUAL Ari

So for whatever fucking reason someone went out of their way to pose as Ari and made me believe Ari left the team via a Youtube comments section.
Really blew my minecraft house up irl
moving on
The Actual Serious Part
Alright, grammar is back. Despite all of this there has still been one glaring issue ever since the last post. We stated we'd be moving past the animation and becoming primarily a game as to appeal to all audiences.
There was really only one reason behind this and it was how UNDEREVENT branded the project. As much as it's done us a huge favour it screwed us over in this department. As most of you knew the project was planned to be an animation, followed up by a game. Well...

Unlike other projects being a variety of both animation, game and comic being labelled "Multimedia" here, Papyrus' BELIEF wasn't. So here's how it is:
8000 live viewers now believe its a fangame, the additional 164,000 people who watched after the premiere think its a fangame and the 1000 new page followers definitely think it's a fangame.
Instead of stating the original plan of animation to game to all the new faces I kind of panicked and tried to keep everyone happy by jumping ship on the animation. Granted I'm not as much a coder as I am an animator, so it hasn't worked out for me. Combine this with the fake Ari scare and I decided to revert this decision back to the original plan, so allow me to state it clearly:
Papyrus' BELIEF is an animation project that will be followed up by a game in the future after the animation has been completed.
Whilst the game might be worked on alongside the animation, it'll be coming after the animation no matter what. I'm sorry if this is somewhat disappointing to people and I apologise for the constant switching up and changes. Tried to appeal to everyone and kind of jeopardized the project.
Silly me.
This'll be the last post for a good while as we're now going to primarily focus on progress for the animation as I want that out within the year.
This doesn't mean I'm leaving you all completely in the dark but just expect less frequent but probably more worthwhile posts.
And with that, I'll see you all next year! Bye bye.