Undertale: Reincarnated Hatred (dead???)

3 years ago

undertale reincarnated Hatred devlog l

hello everybody, I’m the funny female sans simp

welcome to the first devlog for UTRH, I don’t have a lot to show but I hope you enjoy anyways

let’s get started


progress on the sprites have been going smoothly, the battle sprites for sans are almost complete, here’s a preview


sans will have a total of 2 phase in the game, sans won’t be the o- moving on


the dialogue for UTRH has also been going smoothly, since I’m the main writer, i am making sure that the dialogue is as close to the original canon of undertale as much as possible

here is a little bit of the dialogue for the game


In terms of coding and music there isn’t really much to talk about so yeah

looking for team members

we are looking for people who are willing to become part of our team, we only have 3... I am not joking, here is my proof


Certified bruh moment if you ask me

anyway we are currently looking for...

-voice actors (sans, asgore, flowey and chara)

If you want to join or know someone who will please contact me on discord (Noahthetomato69#7256) all you need to do is:

  • show me Proof that you fit the role

  • you need to have been a part of another project before if possible


and that concludes the first devlog for UTRH, like I said there wasn’t much to talk about but we hope you enjoyed

have a nice day



Next up

i was a REALLY stupid and cringe person back then i would gladly beat the shit out of my younger self lmao

leaving the undertale community ig

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hey babe, are you a toaster? Cuz I’d love to take a bath with you.

Dev Update - December 2023

[sonic the hedgehog]

happy Valentine's Gay- I MEAN DAY (i get no bitchs)

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

leak (this is canon btw)