
6 years ago

Undertale The Members Of The Core finally have a GameJolt Page!!!!
Go and follow they!!! is really amazing!!!


This is a FanGame made by a friend…
#Patience apears in it!!!
The gama still in progres, but it is gonna be great!
Please go to follow the game!

This is the ULR:
And coment in it: Emily still alive!


You can have more of Patience after this 7w7


See you in the next time!

That is close to be … 7w7

1 comment


Next up

Undertale Patience already has a Twitter account! We will post game content! Go and follow us for more content full of #Patience!

I am working on a new FanGame!

Inspired by the work of Mr. @Airdorf

You can play it very soon!

A Little DLC is out now!

Thanks to my friends for their support!

@AVARTE @Jayonicblazing23 @TheFreakWorld

In just 2 days ... We will have something very special for you!

Small Playable Preview of the Second Area!

As promised!

The expected continuation!

Go and download it now!

+ 900 followers special!

I'm working on something ... Weird ... But I'm hoping it'll be great!

Dedicated to all of you with love:

Happy New Year! Best wishes to all of you! May your year get better!

Feliz Año nuevo a todos!

Les deseo lo mejor!

Lamentablemente este año muchos llegamos si todos nuestros familiares y amigos.

Queda seguir caminando asía adelante y no rendirnos, Sigamos cuidándonos.

Hoy como cualquier día empieza una pagina mas!