Undertinge (Official)

3 months ago

Undertinge, February Update - 4


Did you hear about that completely original project that totally didn't rip everything from our project? No? Sad... sad...

The game/ fangame that took our artists' artwork is no longer public. We do thank you all for your support on the matter too. Glad it was solved peacefully.

Stingetime fr fr


General updates and information

We have been updating UI the past weeks and are almost completed with updating general UI. Battle system UI is being redone, as the previous version didn't look that good.

  • Menu for items is completed, same with player-based stats.

Concepts are a little too slow rn. We are planning on adding more team members to help our busy artists. Due to our concepts lacking, our progress for tilesets has gone nowhere.

Information on the project is planned to be simplified. Be on the lookout for an early update. We also plan to update the gamejolt's images and desc too.

Not much to update as we are lacking concepts.


What the heck scared Frisk so dang much?! Well, it was 3!
The team has made some meme images, go give them a good gander!


Great images, right?! RIGHT???!!!

This update is mainly about us moving updates from 1 month, to 3. To give us some more breathing room to actually make some good stuff to update on!

It has become incredibly difficult to update just 1 change every month. If push comes to shove, we may move it to 5 months if need be!

Anyways. Evil 3!!!! Very scary!


We are looking for more team members to help our project move forwards!

What we are looking for currently!

  • Artists (ones who are adept at being creative and building environments)

  • Coders (ones who can code in Unity language C)

  • Overworld spriters (who can assist in animating sprites)

  • Musicians (We could use some more musicians, mainly ones who can help our current team members)

We could definitely use help elsewhere too. But we mainly want to focus on getting at least 1 more coder, and another artist to help our currently existing ones.

And to simplify our application even more, so it's more accessible to those reading this, instead of going to a site no one really uses, we will be reviewing applications on here too. Just shout at us on our account, and maybe one of our directors could contact you back! Makes it much easier if you ping @Mr-Mitten , director for Undertinge.

Our application

Username ; -- (WaffleEnjoyer5000)

What you're applying for ; -- (MakingWaffles and Art)

Example of work ; -- (Waffle, Art)

How would you like to be contacted? (Discord , DA or Gamejolt, Discord preferably.) ; -- (Discordwaffle, or Discord)

How's your schedule? Are you usually busy? (Just so we don't ask for too much!) ; -- (Waffle)

Anything else you'd like to help with? ; -- (w a f f l e, no)


We finish this in 2 day, totally...

jk jk, this is not actually anything from the game. As we still are waiting on concepts. You still have to wait several more years for this game.... sorry, not sorry

-Mrmitten (c)




Next up

UNDERTinge update...? UNDERTinge progress update is delayed, but here's two pieces of art made for the project. 1 promotional art, 1 is v1 of comic cover art planned to be released in a couple months.

Credit in order ; Loupil, Mrmitten

UNDERTinge has been around for 5 years as of 2 days ago! (rip, a little late) Anyways, we wish you a happy New Year! (late again) We'll try to be timely next time... (hopefully, lmao-)

Merry Christm- (oh, late again-) -Mrmitten

sans... is French?! Anyways, rolling out some updates to character REFs and designs. Expect some promotional art soonish (at some point).


Starlo!! :D

It's been a long time, hasn't it?

From concept changing a lot, to losing access to the account for half a year... we're back. But on a more important note, we currently do not have someone to make themes. Anyways, thanks for 1k.


silly chara and frisk sketch

It's been a while, hasn't it? Anyways, here's the updated official element badges for UNDERTinge.


A couple weeks ago, I <Mrmitten> released a side project for meeting Undertinge sans while we wait for the full project to be released. Its been a month so here's the link to the project ;

It's not great, but it's something.

NYEH HEH HEH! (Practicing with drawing Papyrus because I don't draw him enough!)

The "side characters of UNDERTinge have been changed quite a bit from their original counter parts. Design, desc, etc... Here are a few that we've changed!

Some images were crushed to fit the given proportion limit.)
