Enjoy this new teaser of the third character in WatW, Prototype!
Next up
Another small update to the gameplay! Sorry for the poor audio quality... I guess the software I'm using to record can't process audio that well...
(explanation of what's going on in the video is in the article.)
Devlog #3
Weekend at the Warehouse is officially out now! Have fun!
Devlog #4
The Gamepage for the sequel, Sunny's Cafe: Desolation is out now! Go give it a follow so you stay updated on it's development!
Sunny's Cafe 3/The Warehouse First Look! https://youtu.be/MqH4ZfswodE
Here's a little WIP of the office! There is still obviously a lot to be added, but I thought you guys would want to have a little sneak-peak!
(explanation of what's going on in the video is in the article.)
FiRe SuNnY (fan-made model though)