Five Nights At Isabell's Chapter 1
11 months ago

Unfortunately @ZombieKoopa (The voice actor as the phone guy) will be replaced, because he was taking too long to record the lines, so he decided to give up and allowed me to replace him, now I'll have to find a new voice actor, wish me luck.



Next up

But Valentine's Day is over though-

Hey erveryone! GOOD NEWS! I ACTUALLY BEATED 8/3 MODE WITH WQK ON MYSELF!! So it is confirmed now that it IS possible to beat! You just need to react really quickly and have skill, like me, so yeah! If you'll have this skill like me, you'll beat it!


Just letting y'all know... 11/3 mode with The Duo on IS possible. ;)

If you just pick the right thing from Blowy that offers you help and have a perfect strategy, then you got it.

I'm good, thanks.

RUS: Приветик. :)

ENG: Hi there. :)

Alright that's it, I'm calling the police, Nine JUAN JUAN-

If we hit 666 views I swear I will make Devil Isabell-

Isabell wishes y'all a Merry Christmas! :)