5 years ago

Unity Redo:

I haven’t done any status updates on the progress of Lifeling in a while, mostly because I wasn’t working on it. I was gonna take a break until after my final exams in April, but a bug that appeared around Christmas changed my Mind.

Due to an official Java update, the game had sudden audio glitches. And not just on my system.
So the launcher now automatically uses the last version of Java that functioned properly, the game still works but that is not a state that I accept.

So about two weeks ago I started completely rewriting the whole game in Unity. From the ground up.
I have pretty much no experience in Unity but I’m still making progress. I already have the first four rooms done.

There’s gonna be more frequent progress updates now, so might want to follow the page if you’re interested in the game.
If you haven’t played it yet it’s free so, go try it out.
I’d appreciate it^^

Also visit the Lifeling Facebook page:



Next up

Here's a little screenshot. I'm adding some new visual effects.

Full Release on March 14th!!!



I rewrote the game a little bit to make this animation happen.

Here's a little promo art for the game.

By the way if everything goes right, the game should be finished by April of this year.

Unity Redo

It's done

Unity Version is here.