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Hell Mod Agatha Has Made It Into The Roster, Alongside the completion of Elementary Evil's Level :)
I deeply apologize for announcing this, but I have decided to completely remove my original build for this mod. I am now revamping it for a completely new build. Which is good news! Cause it has been released.
Read Article For Full Details:
Glowing Watcher
The Monsters And Mortal Monkey Hotel Lookin Snazzy
Good news, I can mod M&M again lol.
Thanks to @crashl_dev for contacting some cool people to make this possible again.
Get Ready Fellas Because Hell Mod Is Gonna Make It To Monsters And Mortals Soon!
I Don't Want To Work On The Entire Game Just To Waste Everyone's Time, So, I Will Update it As Time Goes By After 1st Release!
I have some bad news, since [Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals] got an update from UE 5.1 to 5.4, there have been some issues that make it unlikely to continue working on [M&M Hell Mod] so sadly, the mod will have to be on pause until further notice.
HUGE quality update has been released!
Read article below for details:
Finally Finished The Hedge Maze