Dark Deception HELL [MOD]
3 years ago

Update 0.1.0

1. Bloody Joy Joy Gang

2. Red Sky box in Joy Joy Land

3. Mascot Mayhem Production Factory Music Replaces Joy Joy Lands Music.



Next up

Hell Mod Agatha Has Made It Into The Roster, Alongside the completion of Elementary Evil's Level :)

I deeply apologize for announcing this, but I have decided to completely remove my original build for this mod. I am now revamping it for a completely new build. Which is good news! Cause it has been released.

Read Article For Full Details:

Glowing Watcher

The Monsters And Mortal Monkey Hotel Lookin Snazzy

Good news, I can mod M&M again lol.

Thanks to @crashl_dev for contacting some cool people to make this possible again.

Get Ready Fellas Because Hell Mod Is Gonna Make It To Monsters And Mortals Soon!

I Don't Want To Work On The Entire Game Just To Waste Everyone's Time, So, I Will Update it As Time Goes By After 1st Release!

I have some bad news, since [Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals] got an update from UE 5.1 to 5.4, there have been some issues that make it unlikely to continue working on [M&M Hell Mod] so sadly, the mod will have to be on pause until further notice.

HUGE quality update has been released!

Read article below for details:

Finally Finished The Hedge Maze