Green Again
8 months ago

Update 0.4.13 - Creative mode

Creative mode has been added to the demo! Currently the creative mode within a zone can be unlocked as a reward by finishing all the objectives.

Once objectives are done, a button in the lower left corner can be used to activate creative mode which means no restrictions on building and plant placement, quasi infinite resources, no more quests, goals or other events interfering with zen creativity.


- Creative mode and its related gameplay and UI changes

- Things can be placed by holding down the mouse button instead of clicking one by one

- Tweaks made to weed generation and bug spawn frequency

- Removed obsolete map size selection from restart modal window




Next up

Still working hard on the next Green Again update, it'll have tons of brand new art! Here's a short teaser until then.

Update 0.3.372 - Small patch before campaign

Winter update, holiday content

Update 0.3.370 - Swaying plants, bugfixes and improvements

This update contains quite a few bugfixes, improvements to the UX and playability, some rebalancing and plants swaying in the wind Enjoy, and let me know what to improve!

Big December update, new graphics, Steam page available

Update 0.4.5 - Campaign mode prototype

Update 0.3.377 - Graphics tweaks

Chiaki Nanami!

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.