The first update is here! And while it isn't too big as I was busy with behind-the-scenes stuff, I still wanted to put something out for people to enjoy for the time being.
--- Features
Added new system: Spores. You will spot them from time to time, and if you pop them you get a boost in cash-making!
Added new upgrade: Spores. Yeah, I'm original with these names! This one increases the boost from popping Spores.
Added new upgrade: Candle. This upgrade will make it so your passive coin generation from the Bleed upgrade actually scales alongside your Comboes! It's really fun, trust me.
Added pages to the Shop. They go on infinitely, just cause I thought it was funny.
Added a Stats menu on the 2nd page of the Shop.
--- Changes
The Combo counter is now far more forgiving, having a longer delay before starting to decay.
Increased the length of a full day cycle by 50%.
Tourists Upgrade will now cost less.
Strength Upgrade will now cost more to encourage branching out to different cash-making methods.
--- Bugfixes
Fixed rounding issues with a lot of upgrades