FNAC: Into The Unknown
2 years ago

Update 1.0.1 Log

Hey guys!

I fixed some bugs that I noticed, here's the list of changes:

Fixed a game lag when talking to Penguin,
Fixed Candy's outdated face images in some places,
Updates some maps,
Updates some dialogs,
Added some new loading screen images,
Changed the main menu music.



Next up

Meet Flower, our new villager!

Small rebranding :)

New game thumbnail! (Villagers made by a friend :) )

Testing the weather system!

FNAC: Into The Unknown Chapter 2 news!

Another news!

Watering the flowers works now, works on all of the watering can types! (Nook's Cranny shop concept provided by GadgetChrome.)

Seasons are now offically working!

Update 1.3.6 is out!