Welp, um... 👉👈... cough. Yep, this one was definitely needed. I did not dedicate the special thanks to my brother just for nothing as we see. While on his way to all power-ups, we've stumbled upon a glitch with Lolbit that caused us to lose at a very good run with around 5:22 on the clock. And when something as small as that comes out I sure will turn it into a reason for a proper update. And that's now the fina... ugh, I'm tired of that word, let's just get to the change log:
Fixed several things about Lolbit (he's actually working now with no glitches)
Changed Rockstar Chica sprite while the original Chica is with her in the Hallway
Fixed Phantom Balloon Boy sprite when Shadow Bonnie is on your screen. There's also now a whole new dynamic with him also connected to Shadow Bonnie making it the final Phantom BB nerf
Final tweaks for Phantom Mangle's behavior. Some stuff about her is also connected to Shadow Bonnie
Added a proper show-up animation to Dee Dee (which should have been added since the release but I was simply tight on time back then)
Removed flashlight flickering when Toy/Withered Bonnie/Chica are about to enter your office
And of course some Misc. things I've done in the game files. Yep. No other statement will be added to that. Also yeah, my brother was finally able to beat the score of 6200 points! That's very incredible even to me! I congratulate @King_Foxy on reaching it, very well deserved. For me it kind of felt like Dawko beating 50/20 back in the day haha. My brother also completed all the remaining challenges, which is an amazing progress. He also surprised me with the roster he picked, which I'll show now:

This was my roster if anyone's curious:

And that's all. For the final time. All the jokes about 'possible' future updates are welcome. I hope I've covered everything now. Thank you for playing, I'll go finish the remaining things on other projects. Until later!