You knew this was coming, just like how I knew Freddy Krueger in Dead By Daylight would get nerfed into being a shitty killer to play as. Thankfully I didn’t nerf Freddy that hard in this game.
V1.3.0: Changed Freddy’s speed to being very slightly lower. (Speed value: 550 - 540) V.1.3.1: Changed the value back to 550.
V1.3.0: Decreased Freddy’s view distance a bit. (View Distance value: 4000 - 3500) V1.3.1: Changed the value to 3750.
Added a second apartment on the far end of the street. This apartment is another safe zone to make it easier for the player to get away from Freddy. Edit for V1.3.1: It’s enough of a buff for the player, so I changed the values for Freddy’s speed back to 550 and his sight to 3750 to make him tough to beat.
Changed Freddy in the Boiler Room a bit. I decreased his field of view a bit, and his speed value is now from 550 to 510. He can still catch up to you but it’ll take a little longer if you’re sprinting away from him.
I wanted to keep the game difficulty hard even with this update, but I knew, things had to be done to Freddy. I don’t want this game to be a death sim, I want it to be a fun, difficult, but fair game.