Hidden Gems: A FNaF Epilogue
5 years ago

Update 1.3.0

Another update as a small break between now and Chapter 2!

This update fixes a few minor things:

-The character screen has been reduced to the 5 characters seen in Chapter 1 (As in all 10 '???' boxes have been removed). This is because this specific type of office gameplay will not be continued in Chapter 2 due to resolution differences, making the empty boxes now pointless.

-Fixed an annoying audio bug when completing a night, where the trumpets playing would cause a hitch before finishing.

-A few minor changes to associate this app as just Chapter 1 only, since Chapter 2 will be it's own app and not an update.

-Custom Night's menus have been rearranged.

-Patched in a hidden mode. It has been here since the game launched, but is now playable without cheats. Click the gem to seek it.



Next up

Can you keep up with us?

Min-Max v0.7a out for Patrons!

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Chapter 1: Night at the Museum [Release Date]

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Let the tours begin...

Update: Still working on the game. Gonna also have a section of the game similar to FRDSPY that's being worked on now. (Since I was the level designer for that game)

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