This marks the start of the first update that will be released. The Powerful Update, or Update 1 will include a lot of additions and changes to the game. The addition of powerups to the game allow people to earn a better score. A very basic powerup that will be added is the magnet pulling the coins in towards you. Another adition to the game will be a main menu complete with options and highscores. After each game, the player will be given a promt to input a name that will be saved with the score earned that game.
Patch Notes:
Powerups (List will be released after update release)
Updated UI
Removed Jump text at bottom of screen
Added Jump cooldown meter on right side of screen
Moved Speed text down from center left of screen
Added Speed meter on left side of screen
Added coin models
Menus:Added Main Menu
Added Option Menu
Added Theme Select Menu
Added Version number bottom of menu screen
Added Scores Menu
That is all for the current update, but during the week, the Patch Notes will be updated/changed based on development but the update will be live on 03/21/18 at 12 PM PDT for patreon supporters and 03/24/18 at 12 PM PDT for Game Jolt.
GIFS of Update:
Magnet Powerup