Alright so now that Abandoned Enigma is out I'm back to the grind. There have been some minor changes and additions here and there which is scary because I don't want this game to be too ambitious but it's been overall good things. Not too much to show yet besides this new mother character model made so I've decided to make this a proper QnA post to answer all questions in one place.
I'll answer anything that I think is allowed to be answered without spoiling anything fun or surprising, so ask away!
Next up
Update 9: More rooms
Update 14: The enigma is abandoned
Update 8: Big announcement
Some more extra stuff to share!
Update 11: They jumped my ass
Update 7: One thousand game followers!
One last post, all new characters in promo renders with their names listed here! Thanks to everyone who played TBHaL, I love AE!
Update 10: Take off your skin
Over a year of development hell!
Anniversary Edition if it was released for fnati 10th anniversary