FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria

3 years ago

update 2.0.0 changelog and overview (article):

Well, this ain't so huge, but it still is huge. The most important missing features and drawbacks of the game have all been sealed.

  • Balancing issues got adressed, once and for all. Balance Manager now lets you choose your own balancing and play based on that.

  • Inconvenience caused by always having to rejoin is no more. Automatic restart is now officially supported and it's working wonders!

  • More tasks! Previous bathrooms were replaced with two, separate bathroom rooms for men and women. And they aren't a useless room quite anymore :p

  • Brand new, original looks for the round-start menu!

  • Keybind support!

  • Introducing an HP system! Animatronics can now team up and bring down nightguards together, maximizing their damage by jumpscaring together.

  • Fonts were changed in a few places.

  • Various lighting improvements!

  • Items in your hand don't clip through walls and other objects anymore!

  • And maaany bugfixes:

    1. Fixed a bug wherein the settings wouldn't work if steam wasn't initialized (but you still were messing with them)

    2. Fixed some of the hand-items casting a dynamic shadow (which lookied weird since the player itself doesn't cast one)

    3. Removed a Save() function call in OnApplicationQuit, should result in much, much less people having corrupted save problems

    4. Fixed Freddy's animation abnormal speed glitch

    5. Added a Discord link on "no lobbies found" screen

    6. Fixed multidropping if you spammed your mouse fast enough before server could respond

    7. Fixed getting stuck in either of the pause menus if you were browsing them while your role was changed.

    8. And a few more I don't even bother listing.

As always, if you encounter issues, hit me up with these ^^



Next up


Just finished updating FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria game page's featured screenshots! I'm pretty confident when I say that these look & feel amazing! :>

I am hereby announcing a new game. Come see what I will be cooking up in the foreseeable future (while not dropping FP either)!

FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria v7.0 release announcement Please click "read article" right down below for some great news!

Let's again talk about how FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria 7.0 will be lookin'! (Click 'read article' right below here!)

See you there! Cannot wait to show you all how much it's improved!

FNaF: FP version 5.1.0 overview & changelog (article):

Let's talk about how FNaF Multiplayer: Forgotten Pizzeria 7.0 will be lookin'~! (click 'read article' right below here!) Now that everyone had a bit of time to go at their pace and try out FP's 6.0, those who didn't do that yet from the in-game menu, pretty please answer the v6.0's feedback form! This input means a lot to me ^^