Chakra The Rise of Darkness (Fan Game)
3 months ago

Update 20th March 2024

Hey guys this is 20th March 2024 update.

I will point things out why I was a bit absent. I was very busy with a animated commission, though I also wanted to play around with Blender 3D. Rn I'm going to show a support skills I've made Persona/SMT inspired.


I will add also healing skillset soon or later.



Next up

Some animations for attack up and defense up.

Did redraw of the armour. This time I will make an redraw of the scene when MC summons their Chakra Spirit.

Debuffs Persona Inspired.

Just working on some tilesets for the Chakra Fan Game. Mirrors and other stuff for inside/outside.

Just some Iconsets I've made Chakra ones and also some Rates for Evasion (Normal and Magic), Critical, Hit.

Hope you like them!

Here's the animation I've made a Charm Animation btw. For the fan game.

Developing Log 28.11.2023 A very long reorganising.

Just an animation for the skill set. Allmighty so to speak.

Here's a chakra spirit that was based on Hindu Mythology of Durga.

Here are some monsters that can live in a waters.