Operation Fungus
8 years ago

Update #4 - A spooky forest and easier bosses

In this update I added a new stage called “Forest of ‘No, Forest!’ ” and made some boss battles a lot easier (especially the first one). I also fixed some bugs and balanced things.

Here’s a complete list:

New features:

  • Mission 5: ” Forest of ‘No, Forest!’ “

Fixes and balancing

  • Hanging baby behaviour fixed. In the previous version it move up and down, even though it wasn’t supposed to (unlike it’s next iteration, the Conjoined Baby)

  • The ‘Laser Burst’ special skill will now get bigger when you upgrade it

  • The survival bonus is a bit smaller in the later stages now (but only a bit)

  • The time bonus is bigger in the later stages (and a lot!)

  • ‘Obligatory Green Plains’ music is a bit louder

  • The first three bosses made easier

  • Scanlines effect is now disabled by default (it doesn’t work on certain monitor, like the one I’m using right now)


  • A support for playing the game in a window

  • A better story screen

This is probably the last update this year, so don’t expect anything new until Friday, heh.



Next up

Night is coming.

Note that "night" is just used to reveal some objects that are required to collect to enter the final area, it's not a distinct game area.

More about it later.

The working title is "A Memory of Owls". I'll start a devlog if this project survives that long.

It has been over four years since Operation Fungus, so I decided to remix the first mission. The result can be found here:

Have fun. It's playable on browser, by the way.

Some progress. I'll start a devlog once I decide the name for this game (the working title is "A Tower for Memories").

I have had bad luck with my projects this year, so I decided to make a sequel for A Graveyard for Dreams. Maybe I will finish this project one day, maybe not, but at least I have fun making it!

#metroidvania #pixelart #gamedev

Some funky hand-drawn animation. And I really mean hand-drawn animation: I drew the frames on a paper with a pencil and then scanned the result and created the gif.

Here's some #art. You don't have to thank me.


Devlog is coming once I draw the logo and create the game page.

(don't let the video "thumbnail" confuse you, this is a new video!)

Hey cool, video uploading is up (heh) and running again!

I added intro sequence and intro map to the game. The story is going to be a bit more minimal than I originally planned.

Sometimes I start a project but I lose motivation to finish it. This is one of these projects. The source code is available on Github, though, and there you can also play the prototype: