5 years ago

Update #5: Learning as always, will take a break from updating for a bit until I can finish something

Taking into account how slowly I work, and the fact that I suffer strongly from "Can't make a small project it must be massive" syndrome, (though I'm working on getting it fixed,) I'm probably going to spread my next updates over a longer period from now on until I get to the point of releasing a project/working on one in the open. I may release a Bandicamp and/or Soundcloud (and Youtube) album in a bit when I make a number of tracks I like for the upcoming (or long-coming) projects I'm currently working on, so I'll be sure to let you all know when that happens.

Anyways, true to the update tradition so far, I am still working on a lot and learning a lot. (Everything from music to UI design to pixel art characters and in-house sound-effect design.... not to forget that I still do not know all that much about Unity either yet.) If I don't have a reason to update or have anything to release in four months, I'll send an "I'm alive" message. Thanks for understanding, and (as always...) hope to have something to show next time.



Next up

Second monthly update: productivity still great, content possibly coming soon!

Just an aspiring new game developer showing off his first project...

WSS 1.3 Alpha finally out after three weeks!

Check out the new content here:


Still alive, still learning a ton, nothing new sadly...

Showing off the first of many NPCs to come! Along with two mysterious images that don't mean anything... yet.

Check it out here: https://gamejolt.com/games/walkingsimstory/451377


What have I stumbled across?

Trick or treat, I suppose...

Late Update: Going to go on a bit of a hiatus until I have something to release, thanks for everything!

First one to comment on this gets all me candies for the next 15 minutes

Also, trick or treat!

1.3.0 Latest update screenshots!

1.3.0 Alpha edition of WSS Out now!