Pikmin 57
3 years ago

Update 6/24/21 - Short updates and news

February I thought we might have a demo by summer, and now we are back at near square one. so let me update yall on what exactly is going on.

  • The main issue:

    The main issue we have is just a lack of time to do stuff, waddle and I are still in school and had gotten swamped with work, not only that, but I had been taking care of my mom and did not actually have much time to do anything. As of now, waddle and I both are trying to use spare time to get some work done. But with a lack of time, sadly progress is slow.

  • Computer

    The second main problem on my end is my laptop, it has been dying and unable to really work correctly. Game engines crash all the time, and I struggled to get even the most basic of programs to run sometimes. As of today, I have ordered a new computer suited for development, so hopefully, this problem should be resolved.

  • Solved Problems

    now, this post isn't all sad news about delays, We do have some problems fixed! As I stated in our last update, I have been making some progress on making an actual tileset for ground tiles, this means we actually have a floor to walk on! Waddle has also been making a bit of progress on other Pikmin types and sprites on them. I'm still working on remastering the music, which is a lot harder than it may sound, and I am working on getting some sound effects for the game! Hopefully, within due time, we can serve you all a good game.

  • Why not just rush the game?

    Some people may wonder why we don't just push to publish this thing as fast as we can. Well, when a game is rushed, it is bad. Think cyberpunk, that game waited and waited and it was still rushed and came out buggy.

  • The reset...

    The last thing I want to mention is that we have had to reset all code once again because unity has given up on my computer, We have switched game engines a lot, so it's hard to just keep re-writing code over and over. Though, with my spare time of not being able to use unity, I have been learning some java and how to make more complex things in it, so as of today, I am trying to re-write most of the game's code into java to make a new engine for Pikmin 57. This will mean there is a larger delay, but hopefully, it will also mean a more stable and smooth experience for you, the player.

Anyway, that's all I have for now, until the next update!



Next up

Working on the HUD (Same test map as from last teaser)

Alright! Update number two on mystery project I'm working on! I was messing around with world machine to make the Open World (Hint!) for the game, 1,000 square ft map has been created! enjoy a preview.

Added basic AI using A*!

"A new world opens, and our paths shall split here."

A new teaser for Desolate_System. "This day marks the beginning of a new era, whether for better or worse. A new world opens, and our paths shall split here."

Sprite Teaser number 1: Steve and waddle stare-down each other as they stand on the new tilemap for Giants Field

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

Just a Pico sprite

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.