Hello Rivers!
To keep you all updated, we would like to give details on the capabilities of the characters of the world of Rive.
A tribesperson can take on several roles and perform several tasks:
Gatherer: Set out to find the berry bushes, and bring berries back
Hunter: Search the map for an animal to hunt, and bring the carcass back
Cook: Stay at tribe and bring animal carcasses to the tribe fire pit, turning them into edible meat
Guard: Stand at tribe boundaries and engage in combat with any threats, human or beast
Chief: Look over the tribe, and possibly direct combat
Note: A chief can be challenged in combat by an outsider (including you). Tribemembers will not assist him as the winner of the brawl will be the lasting tribe leader.
All of these roles will be enacted by the AI characters and can also be enacted by you.
Stay tuned for more updates!