Bubu: He’s working on the Box 3 update in his room. When he finds a bug, he’ll ask you to fix it because he’s a lazy cunt. Click on every box that doesn’t have a star on his screen or he will kill you.
Thomastis: He will appear at random in some interesting poses and say something lewd, making your pipi harder.
Fairyleaf: When he appears he will offer some help. He can reset your panic, your pipi hardness or get rid of all the characters in the office. The higher his difficulty, the less often he appears. (e.g. if his AI is at 1 he’ll appear every 3 seconds but if his AI is at 20 he’ll appear every minute)
Rhadamus: He will appear just to distract you. Type DAD on your keyboard to D E S T R O Y him.
AwXthority: Will appear at random in your cameras. When you see him, he will freeze your cameras for a second. There is no way to prevent his attack.
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