Freddy's Spontaneous Day Job
4 years ago


Hey, here's a small update on development.

Whenever a new year starts, I usually take a 1 - 2 week break. And yesterday I finished my break, so I'm working on the game again.

I've been very motivated recently too, so I've been working on the game a bit more than I usually do.

Anyway, here's some new thing that I've added into the game.


Yes, I've added a few more games to the arcade that there were originally going to be.

One of them is a Prize wheel, you can spin it and get either tokens, or some useful items that will help you out in quests, or the story.

Another game I've added is a DDR like game. Basically, you will fight a boss, and you have to press certain keys to beat the boss. (It'll make more sense when you play it)

There are going to be some games in the arcade that won't be in the demo because they would delay the demo for quite a while, and I don't really quite understand how they work either, but I might upload an updated demo with those disabled arcade games when I finally add them into the game.


I changed some of the lore of the game, and TBH it really needed it. I really wanted to stick to the original FSDJ (back in 2019) but it was really hard to tie the old lore with newer things, so I had to change some of that. Not that it really matters, since pretty much NOBODY knows the FSDJ lore but myself and a few friends.


Like in DSaF, when you finish a day, you usually play a small minigame before you go onto the next day.

That will be in FSDJ, but it will be a little different.

Depending on what route you take, the minigames will be different. Some of them will be just some weird minigames, some might be minigames with some lore.

However, there won't be any serious minigames in the demo, because day 2 is the day where you get to choose what route you take.

That's it for this devlog, if I've forgotten anything, I'll probably update or post another devlog about it.

Also, we're almost at 190 followers! That's amazing. I never thought this game would get that many followers, especially for this being my FIRST GAME.

So thank you all for the support. It means a lot to me.

When I first started the game, I didn't think the game would get any more than 15 - 20 followers. But I was very wrong.

If the game ever hits 200 followers, I'll do something special. I don't know what that special thing would be yet, but I'll think on it. (Maybe you can give me some ideas in the comments)

One more thing, I'm going to try to post one screenshot every day until the demo is out.

Alright, cya. And thanks again.


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Next up

Passionate pizza enjoyers.

UPDATE 2.14.25 - Game Page Revamp! - General Development Status and The Future

Here are some new renders I made for the game. Also, a big update is coming soon.

You can open that letter soon. We're just having some... Technical difficulties while we get ready...

Weird room. What could it be?

Hi, here's a little update. Work's been good. We'll have a big update for you next month. Meanwhile, take this small screenshot.

Still on vacation. (With my mom, dad, and brother.) Currently staying in an Atlantic City hotel. (Pretty fancy.) I got a little bored of just sitting around in this room, and decided to post this Kiwi I drew at some point during the long car ride.

Hi. We're cooking. Stay tuned. Enjoy this Kiwi meanwhile.