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happy mother day
sound,animation,edition made by: me
(i'm little progre in my videos edited)
i think this fan game is in a alternative universe that use animatronic instead to the normal puppets in the web serie,the lost pilot (i'm mean the clayhill episode) and the channel 4 show/season 2 the imagen that i'm use is was look like duck guy endo
ya me recupere mas ho menos ya dias atras pero ultimamente estuve muy inactivo por aqui pero solo vine para mostrarle esto
creditos a ezzy (el compositor de shucks)
y a ipuwr (el quien creo el cover al español)
update: this little shit you see, is the causation of my frustration...i'm will try again to make GAME...see you soon
something really BAD happen...
are some one know what is the last mision to complete this?....