i changed Bambi's AI a bit and I'm fixing up the game
guess the Halloween demo will be released
also here's a low quality gif to show a bit of the new Bambi
i changed Bambi's AI a bit and I'm fixing up the game
guess the Halloween demo will be released
also here's a low quality gif to show a bit of the new Bambi
(devlog 5) (TW: flashing lights) almost complete Marcello here's his gameplay
art of me and @TheFunnyArtist <3
(devlog 3) expungo: the return of the scary vents!!!1!2
last photo of Bandu after saying "I slightly dislike Pepsi" to the Pepsi man
(devlog 2) showcase of Bambi and Dave in the game :P
im thinking about making a public test build for spooky month
(devlog4) sorry i haven't posted in awhile here's some stuff
i finally released the Halloween test alpha thingy!!!1!2!!21! :3 >w<