Knight's Quest RPG
4 years ago

Update Log #3 - 10/29/20

Hey guys!

I have more updates for you on the game's development. As always, it is still slowly coming along nicely. I'm still working on the second part of the game after the first boss, but I got done making the second town and added more equipment to the armor shop.

I tend to make the second part a bit longer than the first one just so I don't end up making the same type of overworld design pattern, and what I mean by that is making a field area, then a cave with the boss, I want to give it some variety.

I am currently at the beginning of making the next area after the second field which is going to be a forest, and I have to work on its overworld design, as well as new enemies. Not sure how long it's going to take me, but I'll let you know on the progress later on.

I hope I'll be able to release a DEMO of the game before the end of the year, but given how busy my personal life has been lately, I might end up releasing it by the beginning of next year.

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates, and have a Happy Halloween!


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Next up

Update log #9 - Also game not dead lol

Finally gave Blender a shot, and hey, not bad for my first model being made there lol

The robot's name is Jet btw

I finally decided to put my Halloween game of 2023 on the site. Enjoy!!!

Update Log #5 - 2/24/21

Update 7

Update Log #6 - 05/19/21

Update 8

PC v1.0.5 and Android v1.0.2 details

This is a piece of fan art I did for a YouTuber I follow. He mostly covers and talks about Rareware games on his channel. Go check him out, he's awesome!

Drawn in Aseprite. Text added in Photoshop.

Update log #10