Relaxing card game in sunset
2 years ago

Update May 7, 2022: By the Chrome update issue, the intro music is not saveable since when the audio will be enabled, this music will already be done.



Next up

WIP for "T-Rex on the rear mirror is closer than it appears" upgrade to mobile-ready.

The game is almost finished, just need some minor details and the "game over" events.


Mission completed o7

Returning to base


Today is the Wholesome Direct, a showcase of upcoming wholesome games C:

"Fake free bobux website tycoon" is now at V2.0.0

This update includes:

-Being optimized for mobile Web browser

-Fullscreen toggle

-Menu revamp

-Restructure of whole ads system to make legitimately useful

-Restructure the cheat code events

History search checkpoint. Need to show your recent Google search to continue.

Here is mine C:

Me handling bug fixes on this week game updates be like:

TOP 10 supporters of May 2024 o7

Gn jolters C:

Here is what I was cooking in the past couple days.

If I can releases these three this weekend, will be a victory C:

The shaking cam is MAYBE broken lol