Admin's Hell
4 years ago

Update on Admin's Hell's state

Well, it's been a while. I'm sorry for not saying anything recently. So, Chapter 3 is taking a long time to be made. Why ? Because I'm adding a new level, and remastering the previous ones. Also I'm trying to make the game more fair and enjoyable. That means I have to rework almost everything. It is also my first game, so I'm testing a lot of things. Anyway here's a list of what has been changed and added so far (note that I'm making this list from memory, I don't remember everything I did) :

Changed :

-No more ui minimap, replaced by a tablet (for technical reasons) ---> SPACEBAR to toggle

-Ennemies are reworked and balanced

-Head bobing is better now

-the game is a lot more optimized, it should run on more devices

-some materials have been reworked

-transition between musics

Added :

-some props here and there


-camera animation on jumpscares


-post processing (--> see teasers below)

-briefcase pointer

-objective display

-reveal briefcase

-checkpoints on level 1

I would say chapter 3 is around 80% finished

Now here are some teasers :


That's it for today, have a good day and stay safe !



Next up

New teaser ! Completely remade the menu.

He's looking for you

So I experimented a bit with the post process volume and oh boy I wish I would have found that earlier. I did some tests and APPARENTLY the fps do not decrease, it's not a certitude. Anyway, chapter 3 development is going well so far.

Yay I finally did it ! (it took me way too much attempts...)

New screenshots ! Hopefully a first build will come up before the end of february ;)

"I wonder what he is keeping down there"

"Let's hope you run fast"

Almost done !

Just putting this here until the chapter 2 releases, to avoid problems and confusion with GSE.

"Better hide"

I will post some teasers depending on the state of the development, and hope I won't spoil too much.

Just as Pecaminosa's musicians #improvise this rendition of #LittleSunflower 🌻, so do we improvise with this post you're reading. 😂

What's coming out of your own improvs? 🤔

#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz