Hidden Gems: A FNaF Epilogue
5 years ago

Update on Chapter 2's Development

Hello! Chapter 2 is coming along very well! Just wanted to say that the chapter itself is around 1/3 complete.

Sort of like Chapter 1, it can be broken into multiple 'sections' of gameplay. 8/19 of these sections are done. Some finished quicker than others, but all require me modeling new rooms before starting.

I've spent a lot of time crafting interesting rooms for you to explore, and with Blender Eevee allowing my render times to be almost instantaneous, I'm trying to use what I have to make everything feel more alive.

I'm not sure how long it'll be before release. I can definitely say if anything that it'll be released on Halloween at it's latest, just like last time. Hopefully sooner though.



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Woah guys xd leaked hidden gems lore

Jamboree Freddy!

Update: Still working on the game. Gonna also have a section of the game similar to FRDSPY that's being worked on now. (Since I was the level designer for that game)