8 years ago

Update on iOS for Narcissus - Sent to Apple!

Hey Folks,

So pretty significant update for Narcissus - I’ve finished the iOS version, currently in the testing phase implementing fixes for minor bugs. The game runs on different devices which is a relief. It’s been a bumpy but exciting couple of months - I’ve moved to the other end (Expensive) of the country which has done the job in terrifying me into finishing the game : P

As I mentioned above, the game is currently in Beta test, once these issues are fixed, I’ll be releasing on iOS followed shortly after by Android. Leading up to release I’ll try to keep as updated as possible on here, you might even get a new build of the original game if you’re real nice!

Keep an ear to the ground, more stuff coming soon!



Next up

Narcissus Exhibiting Dates - EGX Rezzed, Insomnia and Update!

Holidev - Using my Vacation Abroad to Develop a Game. Hey Folks, this is an article about the highs and lows of having a holiday developing a cosmic puppet boxing game over two weeks with two artists in Boston. Enjoy!

An Ode to Flash Games Amidst browsers pulling the life support out, I talk about why from the late 90's till now, building Flash games is still common, why that's good and what we could lose when it flatlines.

Keeping that torch a' burning - Some tips on how to remain involved with games development.

Installation Required - The incredible potential of custom controllers. Hey Folks! Here's an article about the wonders of custom controllers and how they're going to literally change the way we interact with games on so many levels.

Localisation 101 - How we can use language to make our games more inclusive. Hey Folks! This article will be putting forward the case for more localisation in games, but also how to do it on a budget. Hope you enjoy!

Narcissus on Greenlight!

Narcissus Launch Date - Valentines Day.

Increasing your Games' Presence in the Online Community. Online presence and exposure are vital for connecting with your audience in games development. Here's an expansion of an earlier article about how to increase your presence online as a developer.

Installation Required - Building an Arcade Cabinet. Hey Folks! In a New Year Special, I talk about my experience of building the Narcissus arcade unit and interview digital installation wizard Jonatan Van Hove (JOON). Enjoy!