2 months ago

Update on Lukewarm Massacre 2

For the past few weeks, we have been working on LM2. Here is some artwork I have drawn.

So far, there is no game page yet on Steam or GameJolt. But I will try to prepare a demo by the end of April, though. So, stay tuned!



Next up

What's in the sack?

Here, the screen tint and the intensity of the darkness are based on the distance between you and the torch.

Feeling lucky? Try rolling a 20 in a d20.

Here's another teaser for you all. For Lukewarm Massacre 2.

Artwork for Lukewarm Massacre + Cloud Save Available

More teasers for you guys!

Just finished the normal expression of the mugshots of the protagonists of Lukewarm Massacre 2.

Artwork for Lukewarm Massacre 2

Someone from The Search For a Colour Palette is going to make an appearance in Lukewarm Massacre 2! (W.I.P; nothing is final)

Nick and I were having massive beef steak again...