1 year ago

Update on Swashbucklers (2)

Hello to all Swashbucklers members! Here we are making a post to tell you that from now on we will try our best to update you about our games, I hope you don't lose hope in us, we also have our personal problems and we apologize to you for the delay and lack of updates about what happens in Willy's Horrorland.



Next up

Evolution of Arty, Sara and Ozzie!

Soon there will be more!

The future of Willy's Horrorland

Hello again everyone,

We'll be bringing you news about Willy's soon. Now, since the game has gone through many changes, we'd like to show you a bit of how the game is going at the moment.

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

Some rooms from Willy's Horrorland.

Howdy everyone! Minor update this time, but I added bugs to the office, and I think it makes it feel more alive. Though in the final game they will appear a little less often to retain the isolated feel. Also, look what happens when you try to squish one!

We are already aware of the criticism that many of you gave in Willy's last devlog and we thank you for it. We will be using your criticism to rework the current models.