(BUG FIXES & DLC) Five Night's to Wait: Result of isolation
2 months ago


It's coming soon i swear



Next up

a NEW update for fntw is out! (Ik the dlc came out a not to long ago, but still)


Bug fixes

New Extra background

New Gamjolt Login button

Changes in the main game (Like Grey Shadow and Eye Master's IU)

and official trophies!!

Hello lol

There is a new teaser for fntw troi DLC lol

go watch it pls I have no money :sob:

is it just me, or do I find comfort in breathing

Devlog one:

Yeah- I'm almost finished and I forgot to do this whole devlog thing sooo- Here's a leak.

Also, The game is turning out pretty good so far. I've already nearing the "creepy ending" thing....So yeah. All I needed to do is add a few secrets.

Pov: you kill you

Guys, is Murder Drones Episode 7 Good?


(those, it was epic)

I made some fan art of Roblox Doors by LSplash!


A game I've been working on for 3 months non stop, and its finally out! FNTW: TROI (Five nights to wait result of isolation) is out after a bunch of months of no fntw content :skull: Please, play the other 2 chapters on!!!

whats next

I feel like making another fntw game will take like 10 years, because either A: I make a spin off game, or B: make the third chapter, and I don't want to do that rn. So, I decided to make DLC's and bug fixes for this game! Coming soon lol