Mystery at David's: Chapter 1 (Official game page) (FINAL UPDATE WORKING ONπŸ› οΈ)
3 months ago

Update's out!



Next up

It's out. Enjoy (art by me on IbisPaint).

I guess I overreacted in the last post, sorry if I freaked y'all out! To make things clear, here's a concept of how the menu will be (its a rushed drawing, because its just a CONCEPT) Guess the reference now ;) (i'm talking about the menu concept lol)

Welp, here goes nothing..I want to clarify that this is real as well..but don't expect me to devlog here too much, since I want to focus on Mystery at David's franchise (as of now).

The first image is Sonic in a camera, while the second one is just his Game Over screen (game over screen not final).

His name is Sil?er Da?i?.

Basically I apologize for being missing for a while.. But don't worry! I'm making something and the protagonist will be my oc and Pomodoro's least favorite character! Oh! And Pomodoro, if you're seeing this, you will ENJOY the animation >:)

I feel like the Sonic Mania style kinda fits, now. I decided to change the art style of the game because the Origins style was pretty hard to recreate. So have a Mania style for the game. Here's previews of the reboot! In case you don't know..MaD (Mystery at David's) has officially a second chapter! :D

I got so bored so I drew this. This is the MaDC1 main cast....BUT HUMANS :O

Happy 33rd birthday, Sonic!!