Undertale: Together
6 years ago

Update time!

Before anything, if you haven’t already, come join our Discord Server! Click here!

Heya! With the release of Deltarune, a lot of inspiration has sprung forth! That means more progress! I would be lying if I said that the team and I have been behind. School has a habit of draining your creativity, I suppose. But, I’d like to assure you all that we’re still working on the project. I will die before I give up on this project. It’s been nearly 2 years in the making.


New Monsters!

Below, are several new monsters. (These are for Snowdin Forest~)



Who Liggan:


And last, but not least…

Nama Thorne!


I know this wasn’t much, but, with our new coder, hopefully we’ll have more progress by next time! ^^;;
And remember to take care of yourself, because we all care about you.
~Mikeera and Co.



Next up

Our new team member, Czava's work! What do you think?

Can I get your opinions on this idea for sprites?

Which do you prefer- and why?


Oh Dang Nearly 2k followers UHH OK so leave your BEST questions, and I'll do my best to answer them in a QnA post at 2k. (I'll also toss in some sneaky peakies)

Sans remake by ItsJustRandomMe!

First room in the Sunken Ruins~ (It will have water dripping)

Any thoughts on this Mettaton EX sprite, by Czava?

Sans Sprite & A Webcomic?

Another Remake of my sprites by AnnoyingCat~