
6 years ago

Update v1.9.2! - What's up?!...

Update 1.9.2! - Bugs and New Stuff!

I decided to release a whole new update for Tilt! In this update, I completely remade the sound system. Now when you click the mute button, the game will stay muted no matter where you go in the game, unless of course, you unmute it. I also changed the helping text. It’s now much easier to see and read the text. I also added a nice background sun to the Menu scene, and Level Select scene. It all looks much nicer!

I hope you all like the new Update, it comes out this week! I think I left out a few things that I fixed or changed, but they weren’t as important. Have a great time on GameJolt, and keep gaming!




Next up

The new Web Version is out today! Go check it out :D #newrelease #new

Update 0.2 is here with new Features to make it 10X Easier!

Here's a teaser: Now we're still working on it.. but we noticed some high end smartphones can run the WebGL ver. So we are looking into adding TOUCH SUPPORT! Maybe even making an Android/iOS app.

Tomorrows the last day! Only one more day till we add trophies! And now we only need *4 more plays! : )* There are 6 trophies waiting!

We got them all! Yes, we’ve finally gotten all the trophies! Next there will be a few videos on how to beat some of the hardest levels in Tilt, like level 6, 7, 9, and 10! (A video for level 8 was already made.)

Update 0.2.0 - 08/28!

#Update #Other #Game

U find the trophy? Did U find the *level 9 trophy?* It’s a hard one, *I don’t think you can do it ; )*

Silver is officially here! The free web tool that makes it easy to make a household currency for your family. This teaches them about how money used to work... with gold and silver certificates! #Education #Calculator

Is anyone else getting getting error code 403 when playing any WebGL game? No matter what game I play it gives me that code saying I don't have permission.

U Find It? Did U find the *level 6 trophy?* It’s a hard one, *“I don’t think you can do it” ; )* Then yet again…

Wow, 2K views and 889 Plays! Wow, 2K views and 889 Plays! You all are awesome! Thank you for every Rating, Follow, Share, Like and more!