
6 years ago

Update: Version 0.0.4

Minor fine-tuning modifications have been made to labeling starting bases and base points. In the near future we will try to correct every major mistake so we can deal with content expansions later on.



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A little insight into an upcoming opponent design, the Fearless, and its host. #respawned #arpg #rpg #roguelike

Hi Everyone! Unity has announced that they'll soon introduce a fee for every copy of the game installed over a certain threshold.

Early version is available!

Lore of the Galaxy The Zymsue Faction

Hi Guys! @benmonor made us a mockup for the game, its looks fun, hope this is will be real in the near future!

Lore of the Galaxy The Rhonous Faction

Ahoy! My good friend @matepribelszky Released a slight remaster of The Hidden Fragmentation. Version 1.1.0 fixes the technical issues the original game suffered from. Also, there is 64bit support and a new volume control as well!

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“One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present.” Merry Christmas to our great community, have a nice holiday to all folks! See you in the new year!