
1 year ago


slow, for no reason

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i lov this littl astr gg for th movi, tt "apply" to th phon numbr in th postr, also my kyboard is brokn

this was a scrappd charactr bcuas my and buttons ar brokn, h was suppos to hav s with tails in act 7.6

"You zought we were gone, no, we were just waiting"

: You may have won ze battle, but you haven't won ze war

teaser trailer

: Hell zere, to anyone who haz been wondering about the game'z progrezz, ti'z definitely moving, even a bit zlow, but it haz most of the featurez in, just got zome AI to program, and jumpscarez to animate but to keep you updated, herez a little zneakpeak


ass in this class

I stole your tree

look in the story section of the description