Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 2 - Atom Maker
6 years ago

Updated part 2 should be dropping sometime soon. It will come with some extra's thinking, fixes etc. So if you still want an easy time through the game, best roll into the current versions now. Or prepare to suffer with the fixed later ha ha.



Next up

No more fixes for DTER2 patches etc.

This song merges some music from DT3 with Yandere Limit. Might make an interesting crossover of my stuff later lol. If you guys haven't tried Yandere Limit or Dream Tear series, give them a go sometime!

DTER2 - Coming soon this month - Floating Ruin Area look

Aiko Misa voice added!

A look at night 2, more importantly, how to maneuver around it. Gotta keep those lights on. #horror #yanderelimit #sleepover

The Yandere Limit Definitive Edition now is Extended edition.

Introducing Yandere Limit HD.

Hey guys, on the eve of a new release, I came across an old manga episode I had made of DT2 which followed the start up to a boss. Thought I'd toss this out to help with the wait. Always epic looking back.

We've got some great inside and story work, going here.

Here's a look at the updated comic page and UI coming to things. I might have to make a new project page featuring all the changes and updates, but guess I'll see as I go. Thanks for all your support!

Art by TheZodiacKirby


Here's a teaser image displaying a mysterious character, who it is though will be revealed in the new update later! Guess this version really will have a lot more coming to the table.