I'm making an update on the battle system, were instead of it being like paper Mario 64, it'll be like pico school instead. Now it'll be easier to make the battles.
So, in the gameplay trailer I posted, you can see this:
A difficulty selection menu. We were only able to see what the normal difficulty does, for the gameplay trailer and demo. So, what do the other difficulties do? Welp, pretty simple. Easy mode will have a guide to guide you through the game, and hard mode will contain... Well, it's hard to explain.
The one lit-up place is where my cursor is. The lit-up spot will follow your cursor around, making the gameplay slightly harder. I'll try to add new features for the difficulties later.
Overall, development for the game is doing fine. Nothing bad yet. So um, another dev's thoughts post in another 5 days or so. Now bye bye