Journey of the Fox
6 years ago

updates and concepts

Haven’t really gotten as much as id like done but i thought i should update those who are still following the game on whats going on so far

i have started organising some sound to be added to the game though it may take longer then i expected , i have finally fixed the walking animation (though the update wont be released for a little longer) i have started to work on a tutorial level to explain controls and to guide you through what to look out for in the way of puzzles and how to solve them, a small combat area will also be included once i get that all working with the other codes ( apparently the sword doesn’t want to build a collision when its custom made so i have to fix that). then i just need to fix up the boys character (something went wrong with some of the bone for the animations ) so that is also going to delay me a bit, but once that is all done i will release the update both here and on steam, though the steam version is $7.99 USD, as it will continue to be updated past this. after that i will add a few more devlogs here before keeping them on steam, just so you can see how much will be added after the demo on here.


and here is some concept art for the things you will be fighting ^^
hopefully all goes well and i have less hicups along the way to this next update, but if anything does come up ill update you as soon as i can on what i have gotten done at the time.

thanks again to all the people following this Journey, it means a lot seeing all the people who have just looked at my game since i started development on it last year, hopefully i don’t disappoint in my attempts at my first game.

once again Thanks -



Next up

Concept art (shrub creature and Boy)

level updates


Successful landing


A Shiny Mega Gengar 🌟 For @ManutkArt 's #ThreeColorsChallenge!

A house I've built a while ago. :)

It nicely separates the snowy biome from the grassy one.

It's built with painted Ebonstone.

Regional Bulbasaur. #Pokemon

Cash Banooca

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D

A 1h30 painting, coffee break.

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