Silent Hill: Deadline
8 years ago

Updates, and News

Hey, everybody! We’re still alive, and working hard at this game! Since the last time we updated, and shown our first demo, we’ve improved some bugs, and polished some animations, making them game look even better.

A few things to note:
#1: The animation on the Axe swing has been polished, and looks a lot smoother than before.

#2: Team Madness has 100% finished the basic systems, so the rest of the game has been handed to me to finish up, and write the story.

#3: My team is currently planning a humanized version of this game for those who don’t like the pony aspects, and to spread it to a wider audience. We want silent hill fans to see this for what it is; a Silent Hill game.

#4: We are also planning a secondary story for the game, that will take place directly after the ending of the main story, but with a different character. Whether or not it comes with the first version of the game, depends on how quickly we can get the rest done.

And finally, #5: We are planning for another demo to the game to show off more of what’s in the game, like the battle system, and how that works, so expect that soon.

Anyway, thank you all for the amazing support for this game. We never would have imagined that it would get THIS much attention.



Next up

Pause Screen (A Little Stretched)

"You really shouldn't have followed me, dad."

Taking Longer Than Expected

New song added. "Where Your Heart"

Silent Hill: Deadline - Rebuilt Version 2 is being released today. Keep an eye out. From this moment on, the story shall be the main focus with development. Next time you hear from me, I hope to have a big update!

Apathetic, unless it's her.

New Icons