A Week at Nates
3 months ago

Updates on how the game is doing with development right now.

Hey everybody! So, I wanted to give an update on the game and what's going on with it right now.

So, I have not worked on the game in a few weeks due to my computer deciding to not work and me having to get it fixed. I currently do not have it on me, as it is somewhere else in this repairing process. I'm still awaiting an update on if it's going to get sent back or not, but so far, no luck. So, the development has been on a bit of a hiatus, which is okay! This stuff takes time after all. I have obviously taken measures to save the game somewhere safe so that it doesn't get lost n all that good stuff. The game will 100% continue development once I have a device to work on it again. But for right now, it's a waiting game. I will make sure to give an update on when work has resumed. Other then that, the whole games idea and ideas are mostly finalized, and I think I've gotten to a point where I'm satisfied with how it is right now. Things may of course change, but I am overall confident in the current material for the game ideas wise. So yeah, nothing too overly long to report on, but is stuff that is still worth mentioning.

Ok Bye bye. 👋



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