Street Fighter MAX
9 years ago

Updates Suspended

Seeing as Street Fighter V has been announced I’m not sure what to do with this project… For now I will rethink this. For now I will be doing one more update in nov. Not sure it will be the last update but at least it will give you something to play :)



Next up

New hand drawn beat em up game for y'all to enjoy!

Waiting for my collection to drop? Well, I published a new game created for #miniJam while you wait. #gamejolt

Wanna know more about my 8-Bit inspired super collection? Check out the #gamejolt page for updates. #indie #indiedev #retro #shooter #collection #2018 #2019

Happy #2019! What's your resolution? In 18 I decided to create 50 video game prototypes (about one a week) and I accomplished it. On Jan 4th I will be releasing a collection of my favorite prototypes that will include some submissions for passed game jams

Remember to look out for my updates on Twitter!

Working on a new game? why yes I am. #minijam

New game coming soon! An updated version of my GMTK 21 entry...

My latest prototype Do Robots Dream? is the official minijam winner! Read about it here:…

Today marks exactly 2 years since I submitted a game to wgj28 called Unichrome. The theme was "Rainbow Unicorn". Little did I know that this game would eventually land me a contract with #XboxOne and be my gateway to consoles.

New stickers for Patreon subscribers... oh yeah I'm gonna launch a Patreon soon...and its gonna have stickers... Also Patreons would gain free access to the super8bit collection #indiegamedev #starvingdev #starvingartist