MiniGame:A TRTF Story
5 years ago

updates: working on the 4th episode "the sewer line"

Episodes done: "FB inc East" "FB inc West" "FB inc south"

Episodes to make "FB inc central" "Return to FB inc East"

more updates

have a good day - E.H

1 comment


Next up

on track.


15 maps

new weapons enemies

HD graphics

Coming Soon

The game is in the finalization faze and then some bug testing and it will come out along with a trailer

Game Releases 12/23/23 at 2:30 PM EST

Mark Your calendars, its gonna be a fun ride.

MiniGame Hard_Mode

i wonder how this will go.

for the first post, how about we get introduced to the bots in this 4K render.

We're sorry for the long silence on version 2, here's a video showing progress on the changes to show in the update.

for anyone who haven't watched Trailer 3 yet, the game will be fully releasing this anniversary, so get ready.
