Added new fear mechanic - Guard Panicking: Too much fear for an extended period of time can now cause the Guard to panic and close both doors until there's no more power. Signs that the Guard is starting to panic include hallucinations or a louder heartbeat sound coming from the Guards perspective in the office.
Added lose points: A small amount of points that the player can randomly receive after losing a match.
Added more hints to the loading screen.
Made Freddys powerout sequence shorter.
Made some minor adjustments to the enter office timer.
Fixed some weird sound glitches.
Fixed bug where the Guard would still check the monitor after there was no more power.
Fixed major bug where animatronic levels would sometimes be set back to 1.
Fixed bug where the game would sometimes count a kill by the player as a kill by the Freddy AI and deduct win points.
Fixed “press E to scare” option still showing during the powerout sequence.
Freddy can now Boop his nose in the kitchen.
And more…