Equestrian Tales

2 years ago

v0.9.0 Now Available!



Next up

The PIE SISTERS are now complete! Expect one to join at the start of CHAPTER 2!

v0.10.1 released with the following fixes:

- Added Zecora's missing image that caused the game to crash when freeing her.

- The duplicates in Cloudsdale have been removed.

- Twilight's dialogue when investigating Shy's cottage no longer goes off-screen.

Preview livestream of v0.9.3 scheduled for later

New DEV LOG available in the media banner on the game page.

Also available on my YouTube page:

Flutthershy 🖤

Starbright's house (and crisper Ponyville default houses) completed!

v0.5.0 demo coming soon with the first portion of Chapter 2.

The great and powerful 🪄✨

Development has resumed. For how long, I'm not quite sure, but I just finished Zecora's hut. /)