UI overhaul, minor bug fixes, "win conditions"(aka game modes), little ending scene, two new unlockable weapons, more interiors and props, "seeker" redesign, ambient occlusion, motion blur, color correction, more game session settings, vertex lighting for low-end PC's, 32bit support, linux & mac builds etc etc etc
!map generation bug is still present!
-some localization files are old and may cause bugs to appear-
Next up
more old stuff on laurel helmet
more old dev stuff (LH)
Quicken aka Letter [S]wap precursor
discarded phenomenon page thumbnail and some old screenshot
this old screenshot was labeled as "letter swap cutscene" but that was ultimately cut from the game
incomplete phenomenon game page header (2020)
envelope facility
alpha version of phenomenon used to look like this
i'm posting more (PN)
also found phenomenon page header but unedited