V2 is available on my new website 4jsteamdeck.weebly.com it adds Shaders like for example the Cel Shader (A shader used in the game Zelda Breath of the Wild but you have to install it to use it Irish Sodium etc because unfortunately Sodium etc are free of rights but I don't know enough about the license yet to be able to integrate it on V2 so yeah :/



Next up

Here is my new mod based on an urban legend from the French Minecraft community.

I figured out how to play Somari lol Somari is actually a Mario Bootleg merged with Sonic lol & yes i found how to play Melvore on my SteamDeck

I know its a weird concept mod with rotten flesh but i made a other small mod this time finished lol

I made a new modpack for SteamDeck Console Legacy style version

Guys, I've discovered that a non-copyleft license... special because of the name but it's really not a joke. for more info go 2 Wikipedia search WTFPL

Will Duck Hunt be in the public domain in 2046?

ah moderation wants me to change the name of my Unfinished mod lol

The Joeverse is coming soon on my Mod :D

Joe Dies is now a entity from my mod lol Warning very loud sound when he screaming lol

FINALLY! my small mods have been approved and are available :D

Here: https://legacy.curseforge.com/members/stormwindsky/projects